Age of Aquarius
We are on the cusp of Ages

We are right now at the cusp of the astrological Age of Aquarius.
The astrological ages are based on the precession of the equinoxes, a phenomenon in which the Earth's axis slowly shifts over time, causing the position of the Sun at the time of the spring equinox to move through different constellations of the zodiac in a counter clockwise direction. This cycle takes approximately 26000 years. The Age of Aquarius refers to the period in this cycle when the vernal equinox point moves into the constellation of Aquarius.
We have been transitioning out of the 2000 year Age of Pisces, a time on the planet associated with themes of religion, martyrdom, self sacrifice and belief. This Age heralded the appearance of Jesus Christ and Christianity.
The Age of Aquarius is no longer about "I believe" but "I know". It represents futuristic technological advancement, humanitarianism, astrology, and the merging of science with higher spiritual intelligence.
Whilst some people suggest the beginning of the Age of Aquarius is still a few hundred years away into the future, there can be no greater proof of the presence of this Age on the planet than the internet, or ethernet; an invention or discovery of the 20th century. Aquarius being an air sign in astrology establishes that connection clearly.
The Age of Aquarius is thought to bring a focus on unity, social progress and an expansion of human awareness, with an emphasis on science, technology and interconnectedness; all things we are seeing today.
With every new astrological Age comes a new Avatar and so we expect that empowered enlightened beings will help usher in the global spiritual awakening on the planet.
As the years progress we expect to see a global period of major social change; with an emphasis on human rights, greater technological advances and more global interconnectedness, peace and cooperation.
As opposed to the more religiously focused Age of Pisces, the Age of Aquarius is a shift towards a more universal spirituality based on more scientific understanding of the energetic evolution that can happen in the human mind and body. The Age of Aquarius can usher in greater concern for environmental issues ie. sustainability and living in harmony with nature. The emphasis is on technology & science including higher sciences like astrology and kundalini awakening; and humanitarian efforts.
Even though we are in a much longer cycle called Kali Yuga (read article here), the Age of Aquarius which we have just entered promises to be a time of greater awakening and light for humanity.