The Vedic Site is a small team of practitioners & devotees who aim to provide you with the best quality service possible.
Veno has been a practicing Vedic astrologer for almost three decades. She is the founder of Veno Astrology. She worked as a psychic healer in Britain and New York before practising Vedic Astrology fulltime. Besides advising clients she also teaches Jyotish aka Vedic Astrology. She is co author of "Sun, The Cosmic Powerhouse" and editor of "The 27 Celestial Portals" and "The Rahu Ketu Experience". She has appeared on BBC Radio, London Television & other mainstream media to talk about the benefits of Vedic Astrology.
Sitou has been strongly psychic since birth. He has practised Vedic Astrology for past 5 years. He teaches meditation classes centered around Vedic philosophy. Besides giving readings he is an avid writer on spiritual topics.
Rishi Thakur Growing up in India, Rishi has had a strong connection to the Vedic spiritual practices of his ancestors since birth. He has been involved in Vedic Astrology for almost a decade and has been an astrological consultant at OSFA, RVAF & Veno Astrology.