
Freedom ?
O Lord The anchors of your maya keep me here,
Only you are capable of making my mind clear,
Your infinite potencies and their attractive powers,
Seduces the mind of all life forms,
Feeling shame when the qualities hold my desires,
Frustration and karma stir the storms,
Creating knots I cannot seem to untie,
Feeling a deep shame my ignorance engenders,
Looking at the nodes inhabiting the sky,
I wonder how my questions can hold the answers
I wonder how one man can need a woman,
I wonder how one woman can need a man,
I wonder why life got cursed with this cutting duality,
I wonder how the future and the past got so far apart,
I wonder why the horizon always seem so far from me
I wonder how the present still lives far from my heart,
Far from my dreams,
So close to my screams,
A thousand questions answered by the sight of the soul,
To feel whole, filling this hole, this is my goal,
Having my head forever remain under his divine sole,
If I do not love you O Krishna,
I cannot love anyone else and certainly not myself,
Living alive but as if in a coma,
Living life as a lie simply to be put on society’s shelf,
Without you O Krishna, O Lord, O God,
Life simply cannot be,
The one who denies you is a just a fraud
A fool conquered by envy,
Worldly desires trap the soul,
They turn angels into monsters,
Turning heaven into a hellhole,
Turning existences into failures,
Day and night freedom aches for freedom,
This skin is getting so itchy,
Wishing to fly past the earth’s kingdom,
Merging with invisible beauty,
Merging with you O lord,
Merging with the all,
My dream has soared,
I will honour its call
This is why I wish to always keep you in my heart
You hold my tears in your soft hand,
You are my everything and I’ll be any part of your art,
I will walk every earth and every land
I will do whatever you want me to do, only your way is true
Whether you want me to cherish or slaughter humanity,
I will breath and die for you, all the while bleeding blue,
I will pray, I will beg, I will cry, until you set me free