

night photo of peacock feather
night photo of peacock feather

Krishna is grand, great, tall and ever expanding

Always kind and ever loving

Beyond the stars and beyond the sky’s mind

In all that is and beyond all its fate

Lord Shri Krishna sees all that is,

Holds all that is, and lets all that is go,

He, however stands spotless as the imperishable,

He remembers all that was and sees what will be

Formless, shapeless, yet in the heart of all good people

harmless and soft, yet sustaining life even in the most wicked of men

Epitome of impartiality, he sees all conditions with the same eye,

He pervades all, he consumes all perspectives,

He lets all be the way it wants to be,

Never crediting himself for men’s merit nor demerit,

He exists beyond the chains of time and actions,

Beyond the crowded space and beyond the roaring skies,

Beyond all that lives and dies.

He descends for all to ascend,

He sustains, he destroys,

He is here and yet everywhere else too

The imperishable spark cannot die nor suffer

it cannot be bounded nor affected.

Lord Shri Krishna just sees,

he loves, he cares, he protects and sustains,

By his nature is the law of all things created,

He is out of reach for those who do not hold him in their heart,

He cannot be cheated,

Nor can his laws, nor can time be cheated.

He is simply the best,

a countless amount of times above the rest,

His quality is infinite,

The lord-god, there can only be one like him.

The only destination

and only revelation,

is Lord Shri Krishna,

The unforgettable self.