Krishna, The Supreme

Divine is the soul within all.
Krishna is the soul within all.
The term “Krishna” means “all attractive” and is a very common term used to refer to the Supreme Person or the Supreme Force of the universe. One important quality of Divine is that it known to be all attractive. In other words, nothing or no one is more attractive than Divine.
Besides being the name for the omnipotent Supreme, Krishna was known to be an incarnation of Divinity who lived around 5000 years ago. His coming on Earth marked the beginning of the Age of Kali, also known as the Age of Ignorance which is still happening today.
Another meaning of “Krishna” is “dark” or “dark blue”. The Divine incarnation who lived a long time ago was said to be dark skinned. He was known to be the most attractive and beautiful human as described by sages who lived at the time. The notion of a living Divinity being able to incarnate in a human body is sometimes confusing for people. However, Divine is the Supreme source of the universe and can do what it wants. With that in mind, it is not unfathomable to consider that Divine would incarnate on Earth.
It is key to point out that as humans, we are limited. Our perception is limited. Our minds are limited. Our intelligence is limited. So much about us, especially in this day and age, is limited. As a result, the Vedas point out that any spiritual aspirant who seeks to understand Divine, will grow faster when he or she is seeking to focus their attention on Krishna as a Personal god rather than on God in an impersonal way. The Vedas specify that it is difficult for humans to realize Divine without a human body. This is why we focus on the incarnation of Krishna, on his words, on his qualities and on his names.
Divine is subtle. Divine is still. Divine is beyond everything. Thinking along those lines, it is easy to understand that the realization of God is beyond notions, beliefs, regulative principles and religions. It is deeper than that.
When a spiritual aspirant is sincerely trying to reach Divine, Krishna will put his seal on the aspirant’s devotion and open himself to him. The Divine spark within us is part of Krishna. We are all part of Krishna.
Every day and every breath
I give to you O Krishna,
beyond birth, beyond death,
beyond life and karma,
You are the reason for all that lives
You see what is left in my motives,
You are the one saviour,
You are the one shelter