Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Psychic Face Reading

General Observations
He was a very surrendered person who was detached from the material world. Nothing really bothered him. His attention was very sharply focused on God. He was very wise.
In this rare photo, his face indicates that he was in alot of physical pain, but he didn't care about it at all.
There was much ignorance around him but it did not matter. He transcended it with amazing strength and grace.
Eye's Region
God was everything to him. The material world was not of any concern at all. This quality made him very simple. He was very humble and unflustered about his place in the world. He possessed unconditional compassion and kindness. This was innate in his way of being. He was self centred in the most healthy way. It was a good quality, not a flaw in this case because he was centered on the soul, not on the ego.
Nose Region (bulb and trunk mostly)
The nose is very sturdy. This life was alot about dealing with physical pain, dealing with diseases. His capability for concentration and focus was out of the ordinary and extraordinary. He was an example of true spirituality and spiritual sincerity.
His cheeks were very clean and empty. This quality is only visible in real spiritual people. There was a genuine ecstasy and uninterrupted happiness that is never seen in worldly persons. His mind was in a very far away place and in that place there was no pain, no unhappiness, nothing bad. He was attached to Divine in a beautiful way.
Mouth Region
Joy is the main word that comes to mind looking at his mouth and expression zone. Even though he may have been unsettling to be around for many people, his stability, compassion and intense devotion must have stood out in his expression. He was very creative, yet simple in his expression as well. He could very easily throw people off because he was very still.
Chin & Jaw
There was no desire besides having the attention on God. He experienced most of his residual karma through physical pain and by being treated like an ignorant person or fool. Most of the people who had a problem with Ramakrishna were too materialistic to understand his viewpoint. He was in alot of physical pain and unlikely took care of it as he could have. This is not relatable for most people. All Ramakrishna cared about was God. It was very simple. For him, being righteous, being correct was more important than being physically healthy because of the fact that the physical body is a temporary vessel. Mistreatment from others helped him get his attention on God faster. Appearing foolish to others was a blessing in disguise.
Temples, Forehead & Ears
The temples are very nice. They harmonize very nicely with the cheeks. It does show physical pain in his case, but also that he was very accepting of everything that came his way. He was very steady. The intensity of his internal life was very impressive. His mind was in touch with a deeper reality. His devotion and meditation abilities were exceptional.
Strengths and Opportunities for Growth
His mind was miraculous. His capability for continuous concentration should be taught as an example of tapasya in spirituality. His mind did not flinch. His self control was tremendous.
There were no apparent weaknesses except that he had to experience an enormous amount of physical pain. This did not matter to him due to his exemplary renunciation.
Ramakrishna was an example of true spirituality. His outer expression can never convey the amount of internal beauty and grace he possessed. One should view him as a example of real spirituality, especially on an internal level. His destiny had to lead by example, more than words or teachings. His mind was an absolute treasure. Offending or being rude to someone of his merit has a very bad impact on the offender's fate.