Sri Krishna Lives in All


silhouette of krishna
silhouette of krishna

Lord Shri Krishna lives in all,
He rocks the worlds with each breath,
All is made of him, nothing can be without his divinity,
Longing for him is everything,
All else is just pointless,
I swim beyond my eyes,
only to fall onto him,
the bottom of the ocean,
and the end of every sky,
I run despite the winds,
despite the waves,
despite the voices,
despite the animals,
despite the rain,
The world shapes my compulsions,
roaring beyond expectations,
feeling blood reaching past floating bodies,

I find refuge only in him,
because there is only him,
that can dissolve worldliness,
because there is only him,
that can dry my flowing tears,

everyday is pointless if i don’t exist for him,
desperation seems to have become an understatement to describe my waters, but what did he put in my hands?
For me to be here so unmoved by the world?
I am bewildered by the point of life,
I only want to see god,
Only a fool should desire anything else
So why living among fools?
Why live among those who disrespect the lord in every breath they take? Why, oh why? How many times did I wonder why?
I wonder but I remain stony,
looking at beauty and horror as the same,
looking at heat and cold as the same,
looking at pain and pleasure as the same,
male or female, good or bad, fast or slow?
The maths shows it’s all the same.

A circle, then a torus, then i’m outta here,
I mean, why? Why ever bother to lift a finger?
Why when I am really just watching, seeing, breathing

What I still wonder is what are my compulsions for?
What service am I to deliver?
Because all I do is doing to not do
And when I do i really do not do anything
I understand how precious that is,
so i guess it does not matter

because they will die in my arms,
A warrior very well dressed,
a killer with the sweetest smile,
the bridge to death,
will see how long they can breathe when I write,
when the weather becomes decisive,
I belong here but not for long

The lord of universe knows my intents,
he knows the qualities inherent in nature,
Lord Shri Krishna lives in all,
I am not the kind to sit quietly while others disrespect him within, nothing greater for a warrior than the thunder of the battlefield, so come world, dress yourself in front of my eyes,
let me taste that sinful blood of yours,
let me attract you, let me love you,
let me see the white in your eyes,
let me strangle you,
let me sever your spine,
let me hear your pain and shame,
let those sounds resonate in my head,

I want what I deserve for you, for me, for all,
So meet your fate, or time will shove your nose in it, Remember your name because I see it in your eyes,
I know what you deserve,
in your eyes, i see the taste of your blood,
the pace of your destiny,
the weakness, the strength and wickedness,
the abuse, the rain, the attachments,
the luck and devotion that brought you in front of me,
all that is different from what the stories you tell me,

for you there is magic everywhere,
in your eyes you can know all without knowing god,
deep down, you wonder why i even tolerate you,
so you squander the love i bring

like i care, i give anyway
The lord is wise and will save beyond my reach,
all i can do is surrender to him,
like a floating body on his ocean
because yes,
Lord Shri Krishna lives in all