The Experience

God is an Experience and not an idea. When one Experiences God in different convoluted dimensions, there are less and less ideas to give shape to what is being Experienced.
On a path where God reveals itself to an individual, this individual or experiencer feels more and more tethered to a particular type of reality, like a mule whose reins are so tautly tied to a pole that the mule cannot bend or turn in any other direction. All the mule can do is bear witness to the pole in front of it. One understands they are standing on the rim of a gigantic precipice, where from all directions a central vortex, like a great suction cup is pulling one inwards. At the same time this abyss before the precipice seems to contain “nothing”, the central vortex is without a centre, there is not any obvious suction force, 'inwards' and 'outwards' have no actual perspective either. No matter what this individual does in life, life (all the things in life including one's formal possessions 'body' and 'mind') are just bits and pieces floating down a continuous river after a devastating storm. Something has devastated the limiting smallness of the individual's world, so that the world seems like it is enveloped in great 'nothingness'. The 'nothingness' or rather 'the great sense of expansiveness and being that expansiveness only” is entirely valid and everything else unnecessary in comparison, and the experience which led to that valid appreciation of 'nothingness' or “full expansiveness”, the boat trip that made the final crossing of the ocean, need not be devastating at all. The corner of a curtain lifting is as devastating as it needs to be.
The individual is not certain of boundaries. Once upon a time he had a body, which held him inside, and once upon a time he had a mind full of thoughts and feelings, which reiterated this self containment. Once one shifts, bodies disappear, the mind is regarded as a toy or machine which either might enhance the Experience or detract from it. The Experience is what is all consuming. Bodies of others become practically transparent and melt into irrelevance. There is only one body in existence, not billions of bodies of different shapes, sizes and species.
How did one get to be an Experiencer? This is the oddest thing of all. The journey is quite difficult and racked with torturous uncertainty and effort, years of agonizing torture and hellbent purpose, even albeit it might be littered with marvellous belief-defying wonders, yet upon arrival as the Experiencer, one understands the effort was simply a crazy delusion and that no effort was even required in the first place. One understands that no matter how many teachings try to provide one with techniques and navigation tools to attain a particular goal called God, they are only always creating obstacles by impressing the mind with one wrong notion after the other, whilst at the same time being absolutely necessary if one has to shift from Non Experience to Experience.
To even try to dissect and compartmentalize, identify one wrong notion from the other which arise unavoidably from partaking of available methods, to take it upon oneself to organize the entire presentation of techniques (often part of what is called religions or yogic paths) to try to facilitate a journey for others that may spare them less wrong notions, is a meaningless and impossible task without any end or resolution in sight. Thus any conceivable teachings or methods must be left in the imperfect state they exist in, whilst being functionally sufficient to enable the Non Experiencer to reach an end goal.They are simply what is adequately available. These teachings are sufficient if there is an exuberant commitment and belief in a 'sacrosanct' whether real for one or not. A semblance of belief, even if not completely detached from doubt the whole time, must be the dominant theatric.This is more important than what is being taught or instructed as method, and cannot exactly be separated as an isolated pursuit, from a method of one kind or other. Even if this “faith” is present in a seeker, there is no guarantee of 'Experience' forthcoming. Fruit must be ripe before it can fall from the tree. What finally determines one's ripeness to 'Experience', is an agency outside of one's own will.
What is gained from becoming an Experiencer? One feels a perceived strength and size, of a proportion equivalent to the diameter of the space that spans all of infinity. Nothing can shake one, disturb one, or impress upon one. Loneliness was never borne. One feels emptiness as fullness, nothingness as overflowing solidity, one becomes 'depth', an endless blackhole constantly ingesting 'nourishing emptiness”, at the same time not taking, changing or diluting anything in actuality. It is unambiguous, luminous paradox upon paradox.
One is never doing anything. Identity is not 'me' anymore. 'Me' has disappeared into a great vaccuum. One 'Is' and always 'Was'. One can pretend to be the 'me' as effortlessly as wearing a new outfit, whilst having forsaken all identity. This double agent play, this effortless schizophrenia, this multiple personality is always active. It becomes the way of one's passage through life.
Knowledge falls without warning into the Experiencer's lap like a basket falling from heaven ie. unfathomable knowledge, unplanned, unprepared for, delicious unfurling knowledge, something that can happen with remarkable profusion and intensity.
There are many Experiences, exhilarating, miraculous, mind blowingly theatrical, inside of one that come and go, sometimes even external nature communes in response. The unequivocal climax is an "indescribeable" Experience of an interactive personal relationship with a separate entity known as God, whereby God and God, or rather God and Goddess are now both interacting in an intimate play, but what has been described above as the primary fundamental 'Experience', is always the remnant.
Because any other experience as a human being before the 'remnant' existed, has been erased' and “amnesia-fied” from the Experiencer's perceptive ability, it is natural for the Experiencer to assume that everybody is sharing this exact Experience. It is on occasion shocking to sense in fleeting glimpses that this is not what is happening, even though the Experiencer has understood all along that this must be the general situation. This shock on the rarity when it does occur, might even stunt the Experiencer's fluid sense of Oneness momentarily, and throw them into a pit of disparity, separateness and pain. Many Experiencers prefer isolation to the unnecessary contact with others. Bliss in its undiluted experiential form is easier to sustain in that sense, but no need arises in the first place to be amongst anyone or do anything. However for many Experiencers, Compassion is a master without mercy. Sometimes one must be thrown into the pit of Non Experiencers regardless of the intangible inexplicable means of bridging the gap between the Experiencer and Non Experiencer. And whatever happens thereafter is due to some will or intent greater than one's own.
There is “Pseudo Experience” which mimics the salient points of “Actual Experience” very insufficiently and superficially. This “Pseudo Experience” is more to do with thoughts and ideas, than an existential “beingness” experience. It is a dark and lonely place filled with frustration, hankering and indeed agony. This “Pseudo Experience” is sometimes the precursor to “Actual Experience”, and has no definite time length attached to it. It maybe endured unpleasantly for days, weeks, or years.
A Non Experiencer searching for God, has reasons, reasons that may extend beyond this life including great fear or great hope sometimes. In contrast it doesn't matter one iota what happens to the Experiencer - whether there is death, immortality, heights, falls, annihilation, rebirth. These are of no consequence whatsoever. There is no purpose, goal or road, and no dearth of satisfaction or completion. One is surrendered as a slave to an unseeing puppeteer. There only “Is”, “Here”, “Now”. The lack of concern for the future can be present in the Non Experiencer as well, but that does not put them on an equal platform with the Experiencer. The Experiencer is always replete to the brim, overflowing with bliss and satiation. Even when momentarily distracted, and it is highly plausible that all Experiencers do get temporarily disturbed time to time in their satiation, then it is not difficult to return to the continuum satiation flow.