Why Vedic Texts are relevant today

Our current society is divided on almost every important topic; from philosophy, politics and religion to diet, laws, human rights and more. Tensions are widespread around the world, a world rife with confusion and destruction on both a small and large scale. The opinions of the masses are fickle and easily swayed. Politicians and corporations work hard at influencing our easily swayed opinions, trying to get our vote or our money. Advertising bombards our confused senses, dictating what is right and wrong for us.
This sea of commercial noises makes it difficult for those who seek real answers; answers that can only be answered beyond the mundane. Society has become a constant distraction from what actually matters. What is the purpose of life? Why am I here? Why are we all here? How should I spend my time? What is the correct way to live? What is the correct way to deal with others? What is the real law of nature? All these questions are answered in the Vedic texts.
From the Rig Veda to the Sama Veda, the Yajur Veda and the Atharva Veda, the Vedic texts speak of important topics meaningful for human evolution. Whilst the standard school system teaches a few key but perfunctory subjects; when one is looking at true education from the eye of the Vedas, it becomes clear that the shortcomings of schools today are the same shortcomings visible in society. Today what is considered a good education is a degree which allows an individual to work in a job; in a society that has lost sight of its true purpose.
We live in a world where profit is more important than meaning. For those who value meaning over profit, the Vedas provide great comfort. Being extensive they provide answers that are non existent within the standard educational systems. These sacred texts were written during a time on the planet when the consciousness of beings was more advanced. They provide answers and profound depth of meaning which can be contemplated on over the span of a lifetime.
The Vedas were written because it was known that in our times, knowledge would be lost and that humanity would be lost as a result.
The Vedas can change one's life for the better, can change the way one lives for the better, can transform one's perception for the better, and can aid one's approach to God.